Health & Safety is a top priority on every job that Eagle Building Ltd undertakes.
All reasonably practicable steps will be taken to provide safe and healthy working conditions, and that the health, safety and welfare of our employees, sub-contractors, suppliers and customers is ensured at all times.
All reasonably practicable steps will be taken to provide safe and healthy working conditions, and that the health, safety and welfare of our employees, sub-contractors, suppliers and customers is ensured at all times.
We work to the following Health & Safety principals:
Comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
Comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
Follow a concept of continuous improvement.
Follow a concept of continuous improvement.
Communicate our objectives and performance against them to all employees and other interested parties.
Communicate our objectives and performance against them to all employees and other interested parties.
Train our staff in the needs and responsibilities of Health & Safety management.
Train our staff in the needs and responsibilities of Health & Safety management.
Take due care to ensure that activities are safe for employees, associates and sub-contractors and others that come into contact with our work.
Take due care to ensure that activities are safe for employees, associates and sub-contractors and others that come into contact with our work.
Work closely with our customers and suppliers to establish the highest Health & Safety standards.
Work closely with our customers and suppliers to establish the highest Health & Safety standards.
Adopt a forward-looking view on future business decisions that may have Health & Safety consequences.
Adopt a forward-looking view on future business decisions that may have Health & Safety consequences.
Management, supervisory staff and any other employees who authorise work to be carried out at any time, are responsible for ensuring that adequate health, safety and welfare risk assessments are completed and relevant facilities are made available and implemented.
Management, supervisory staff and any other employees who authorise work to be carried out at any time, are responsible for ensuring that adequate health, safety and welfare risk assessments are completed and relevant facilities are made available and implemented.
Whatever you need we’re sure we can help
so please get in touch to talk about your project.